Artists are researchers because they gather data through experiences that are then channeled out of their being in their creations — their art. Just like researchers the artist will investigate a subject and come up with a conclusion in the form of a painting, a song, a movie, a poem, a story and so on…
The subject maybe a place, a person, a movement, a believe among many others. Then there is the side of research that focuses on the materials and the right processes that are used for the art.
The artist studies the use of tools, mediums and processes for creating.
What tool can I use to create this? What medium should I use? Paint? Wood? Fiberglass? Metal?
Has anyone used this tool before? How did they use it? Let me research that!
How should I go about creating this? Let me try a process then another and then another until I refine it.
It’s research and development. The artist takes care of this every time they create.