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can’t deposit “likes”

I’ll meet you at the place where you already have a business idea and you are ready to get it off the ground.

You have the idea for the service or product that will change everyone’s life, including yours. This is it, you feel it.

To be fair, your idea is actually a pretty good one, there’s a market for it. You know people need what you are creating for them and you go at it with somewhat of a business plan which includes some marketing ideas of course. And those marketing ideas include having a social media presence of course. Everyone is doing it, it must be the right thing to do, right?

You create an FB page, wow, you’re coasting it at this point. I mean it only took you 5 minutes and you’re an administrator of an online page now, congrats!

You share your new venture with your friends via a post with a link for them to “like” your new page. You get a couple of likes on it and a few congratulatory comments on it. No money or business lead, yet.

That felt good, now you heard about this algorithm crap that keeps your 5 good friends and the hundreds of other digital “friends” from seeing your posts. No problem, easy fix, you go ahead and invite each one of them to like your page. That’s real personal! You get a few of them to accept your invite and like your page. No money or business lead, yet.

Your friend who you haven’t seen since high school who lives 300 miles away from you also accepts your invite and likes your page. Great!

Now what? Well, the following day was Monday, and you know people need motivation and you’ve seen this hashtag on the social media sphere that reads #motivationMonday so you’ve been ready with your Monday meme/quote post. And I get it, that’s fair, you’re meeting your future business where their mind is at, right? This meme will definitely inspire them and motivate them. You got a few likes and few comments, no money or business lead, yet.

Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat.

We can’t deposit “likes” at the bank.

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