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What wasn’t David

I read once that Michelangelo was asked where his vision for David came from and how he created it. He said that David was in the marble the whole time– God’s creation — he just removed the excess marble that wasn’t David.

Sunk costs are the extra marble that pile on or are made visible to our conscious mind when we want to take a look and dissect. These sunk costs and the mental baggage they carry are meant to be removed as Michelangelo removed the excess marble.

I launched this blog 31 days ago. When I chose this wordpress theme for it — I was bombarded with a bunch of menus and buttons on the design. I had to remove a lot of “marble” to keep it simple in order to minimize distraction for you the reader. It is only then that the inner David of this wordpress theme came out.

Ok — that got a little deep but you get the point… minimal is better. At least I think so.

Working through a sunk cost fallacy is a way to remove extra marble and let our inner David out.

You are David — God’s creation.

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